Argan oil and Hair Tips

My top tip for Argan Oil is to use it regularly in your hair care routine. Once a week I apply Argan Oil through the bottom third of my hair to really nourish the hairs. This helps to keep hair healthy and shiny and prevents those annoying split ends! If my hair is looking particularly dry and damaged I like to apply Argan Oil over all my hair an hour or so before I go to bed, I then leave it over night and wash it out in the morning. This is like an intensive mask for the hair so should only be done when needed but it gives hair a really noticeable boost!
If you naturally have greasy hair you may be put off using an oil but by applying oil to your hair regularly your hair will minimise its oil production over time stopping it getting as greasy! Similar to using a facial oil in your skincare routine even if you have oily skin! Massaging Argan Oil through your hair also means your hands and cuticles get some much needed TLC too!